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Living During COVID-19

Updated: Jun 1, 2020

Each and every one of our lives has dramatically changed in the matter of a few months. We all wonder when this crisis will be over, when we can hug and kiss our family and friends, when we can return to our jobs, walk along crowded streets, enjoy dining out, shopping, and so much more. We are all doing our best right now during this time to stay positive and look at the positive side of this, but it is not always easy.

I am writing this blog post to try to lift spirits and bring a little light into your day. There are so many things to do to stay busy and connected with the world even in quarantine! And there has been amazing impacts on the environment from the stay-at-home orders. It is important to try to stay positive during this time, and support one another! Here are some of the many ideas you can do to stay active, busy, connected, organized, calm and supportive during COVID-19! At the end of this post, I am also going to share an inspirational and emotional video that I think is really important for people to watch and appreciate what they have now!

Another thing that I am going to include is how to help those in need in this pandemic, because there are so many ways you can virtually volunteer, or even just simply using your creative thoughts to brighten neighbors' and frontline workers' days!


  • Go for a run in your neighborhood, walk your dog, or take a family walk on the beach if you are close to one (of course walking distance only)!

  • Try taking some beach games out and play them with your family on the lawn! Some of my family's personal favorites are Spikeball, corn hole, kickball, and frisbee!

  • One night, try to plan a dinner outside! You can easily enjoy the nice weather while having dinner just by setting up chairs outside, or even a blanket (like a picnic)!


  • There are so many recipes out on social media and the internet, so now is the time you can try to cook and bake new things!

  • If you are looking for some healthy recipes, there are many of those available too! My personal favorites are Gluten Free Vegan Banana Bread and smoothie bowls topped with granola, coconut, honey, and fresh fruit!

  • Another fun family activity that you could do is assign each family member a day to cook dinner, and this way you can all try new things and stay busy in the kitchen!


  • Staying active not only is good for your body, but good for the mind too. It will help you stay calm and you will always feel AWESOME after a good workout! There are so many fitness companies offering free trials for people to workout at home, and also great workouts challenges that you can find on YouTube everyday. Also, if you have Instagram or Facebook, many fitness pages are doing "LIVE" classes for you to follow for free!

  • Try going for long walks on some days, or jog/run a few times a week. This can help blow off some steam, and make you feel good after getting out of the house!

  • Of course, always remember to breathe. Take a few minutes everyday to focus on your breathing. Just sit or lie down and just put some calming music on and BREATHE. (there are also free meditation opportunities online too!)


  • Set an alarm for the same time every morning. While many people are working or studying at home, it is easy to sleep in on many morning, but it is important to have a strong sleep schedule. Try to go to bed at your normal time, and wake up at a time that allows you to get enough sleep, but also try not to sleep in until noon!

  • Make a list of things you have to do: STUDENTS can make a list the night before of assignment that are due so you are prepared to complete things that day. ADULTS can make a list of things they need to get done for either work/business, or just things to do around the house so you can feel accomplished at the end of the day.

  • Find a day to clean your room, and your closet and find things that you can donate or may not use anymore that others may find more useful.


  • Plan family/friend Zoom Calls every week! You can still socially interact with people at a distance.

  • FaceTime people every few days if you are missing their voices and just want to chat!

  • Send a text or email of gratitude to someone important, or just a message to check in with those you love.

  • Try writing fun letters to friends and families. It is always exciting opening up some happy mail!


  • Local cafes, restaurants, and shops are definitely struggling right now, so it is important to support them during this time if you can.

  • Every so often, order a meal from a favorite local restaurant that you love going, or if there is a local bagel store in your community, order breakfast and pick it up one day.

  • Since many people are stuck in their homes all day with technology around them, it is easier to start looking online and shop around different websites. Try ordering items from local businesses. I personally love Shore Soap Co and recently purchased something from them! They even sent me an email of appreciation which makes you feel good. They are selling hand-made hand-sanitizer right now, which is an essential item for times like this, and discounted their soaps to make it even more affordable for people to buy.


  • Paint rocks and leave them around the neighborhood for people to enjoy! Seeing this may make a walker or runner's day and will leave a smile on their face :)

  • Make posters or sticky notes with inspirational words or words of gratitude that you can put in a place that neighbors and our heroes right now, frontline workers, can see. It is something positive that they can see right now, especially when they may have many difficult days.

  • This is website that has different ways you can help in the world during COVID-19

Although COVID-19 has been devastating and troubling for all people, there has been some positives that have started to come out of this pandemic. The air is much cleaner, the water levels in Venice have regulated and dropped, and so much more. We also have learned to appreciate what we have. You never realize how much you are going to miss something until it is taken from you, and that has been clearly recognized during the pandemic. We have to remember not to take things for granted, and appreciate the little things in life, because it can disappear in an instant.

Please take a moment to watch this video, and remember this when normalcy returns:


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